Thursday, September 16, 2010

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

The state of Minnesota held its Primary Election for 2010 on August 10th through its Caucus system. In its third district however, both the Republican and Democrat candidates ran uncontested making for an uneventful evening. Even though the Republican candidate and incumbent, Erik Paulsen, is strongly favored to win back the office I strongly believe that Paulsen's leadership is not best for the people of Minnesota at this time.

After observing the campaign sites for both of the candidates I made these observations:

Jim Meffert, the DFL candidate for the third district is making large strides in improving the health care system in Minnesota. Not only has he worked extensively to bring down health care costs, but he has also worked to expand its access. For example, Meffert has worked as the executive director at the Minnesota Optometric Association where he ensured that everyone had access to eye care. He has also served on multiple education boards where he has fought to advance the funding and availability for public schools. Below is a video of Jim Meffert in an interview about the work that he has done.

On Erik Paulsen's campaign site it states that he has been a member of the House Financial Services Committee, the House Medical Technology Caucus, and has worked to give education and benefits to military personnel and their families. In reading this nothing really stands out to me. Paulsen does not seem to have accomplished anything substantial in his last two years in office.

Links to campaign sites:
Congressman Erik Paulsen
Jim Meffert for Congress 


  1. Good examples of how Meffert is working in the state to improve areas in the health care system and working to make it accessible to people.

  2. I'd like to hear more about Paulsen's experience before I take your word for it that he's not the right candidate. Just because nothing "stands out" doesn't mean that he isn't getting the job done. You seem to be leaning towards the Democratic candidate.

  3. Nice catch. I do in fact for the most part lean more liberal when it comes to politics, but that does not necessarily mean that I am being bias in this context. Throughout my research of the candidates I have just seen more references of Meffert being involved in the community. I am sure Paulsen has a marvelous resume, however, I have just not found any evidence of that.
